Eroare la ShippingCalculation

La ShippingCalculation primesc status 500 cu eroarea: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Va rog sa vedeti json-ul mai jos si atasat screenshot din Postman. Nu stiu ce as putea sa-i mai fac. Exista o documentatie mai noua decat ver.3? Exista vreo functie care returneaza direct tariful, primind ca parametru awb-ul? Multumesc! Json trimis: {"FromCountyId":0,"FromCountyName":"Bucuresti","FromLocalityId":150,"FromLocalityName":"BUCURESTI", "ToCountyId":0,"ToCountyName":"Bucuresti","ToLocalityId" :150,"ToLocalityName":"BUCURESTI", "Parcels":1, "Envelopes":0, "TotalWeight":5, "DeclaredValue":0.0000, "CashRepayment":0.0, "BankRepayment":96.0000, "OpenPackage":false, "ShipmentPayer":1, "ServiceId":34, "PriceTableId":119606, "PaymentInstrumentId":3, "PaymentInstrumentValue":0.0, "SaturdayDelivery":false, "MorningDelivery":false}


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